
by Apr 3, 2018Uncategorized0 comments

Due to the nature of how we get our prayer requests out now, I have to do the post on the website and then it posts to Facebook. I haven’t had access to WIFI since last week so here are the updates I have. (Note:You may have seen a couple of these that I posted directly to Facebook earlier. If so, please pardon the duplication.)

Jeremy Woody

Jeremy Woody

A couple of days ago Jeremy Woody, 37 years old, had an aneurysm. He did not survive. Jeremy’s mother, Janelle Woody, is a dear friend. I met Janelle in the early stages of Spring Creek Ministries. She worked for Home Hospice and was my “go to” person when I needed someone put into hospice care. The last couple of days have been preparation for donating Jeremy’s organs. This loss was completely unexpected. Please be praying for Janelle, Jerry and all who are involved.

On Sunday evening they were able to harvest Jeremy’s organs. Please pray for the Woody family!





David Watkins

David Watkins has started Chemo for a fast growing tumor in the throat & tongue region. I was able to visit Dave in Midland last Saturday evening. He is already dealing with mouth sores from chemo. That coupled with the tumor is making it very hard for him to talk. Please continue prayers for David & his wife Laura!


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Sam Armstrong

I was on my way to Waco when I saw this email from my friend, Lynn Money:

“Prayers please for a fellow gospel preacher and personal friend and school mate from Monahans whose name is Sam Armstrong. (also a cousin to C.L. Armstrong) He had some kind of allergic reaction last night and his tongue and throat swelled so badly that his wife Linda called 911. He went into shock and had to be intubated in the ICU at Baylor Scott and White Hospital in Waco. Latest report is that he is stable, still intubated and able to respond. Drs say it will take 24-48 hours for the swelling to subside. “

I was able to meet Linda and her daughter, Amy yesterday at the hospital. We prayed over Sam and had a nice visit. I went back this morning and Sam had done ok during the night. He still has the ventilator tube but is breathing on his own. As he has started to wake he is irritated (probably the vent). Please pray for this sweet family as they sit by his side and wait. Also pray that the reaction didn’t cause any permanent damage!

