12/23 Update on Baby Kylie

Kylie has been stable for the past 24 hours. Praise God! We are going to attempt to turn down her oxygen and see how she handles it. Please pray for a Christmas miracle! (She can’t go home until she is off the oxygen) I want her home for Christmas so bad (and healthy,...

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12/22 Update #2 Kylie

Update on Kylie from her mother: Kylie is now requiring help breathing… and they are having to increase it slowly. She is at max settings, next step is a ventilator. She has not needed any help breathing since her transplant. I’m not okay, I’m devastated. If this...

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12/15 Update on Baby Kylie

Update on Kylie: Surgery has been cancelled... again Kylie is still fighting off RSV and is not able to go under anesthesia with her symptoms. Kylie has increased secretions in her trach and I'm suctioning her often. Her sats are ranging from 93-99. She has been...

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12/16 Great News for Brynn!

Tiffany texted this to me just awhile ago: We just received the results. So many blessings that have happened the last several days. After I get my composure and settle into our news I will write about it. I just wanted everybody to know that we received the call that...

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12/15 Brynn Hope Burk

My son, Reed, and I had the pleasure of visiting the Burk family this evening. What sweet and humble people John and Tiffany are! The Burks and Brynn, shared a small part of their story for our Giving Tuesday video this year. Brynn had an MRI last Friday and we are...

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12/12 Ella

What a day! Ella is settled into her room in 4K. She scarfed some Chipotle, is talking 90 to nothing, and is about to get her chemo. We’ll stay the night because she has chemo tomorrow too.  Her port is in a visibly different place. She just got beautiful blood...

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12/11 Update on Ella

From Whitney, Ella’s mom: “Our brave girl heads back to clinic tomorrow. Her immune system hasn't been strong enough the last two times for her to get a new port or have chemo. AND, even though it's been a nice break, it's also pushed her timeline forward, which is...

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Meet Lonnie and Donna of Spring Creek Ministries

Lonnie and Donna Hamil

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