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It has been a very busy and scary 48 hours.
Yesterday started out very well, they were even able to sit her up. The doctor said that it is very rare a patient can sit up that soon after surgery. 🩷
Then around noon things started to get slowly worse…💔
In the middle of the night Kylie needed an emergency bronchoscopy.
We are having to go up on her vent settings, instead of going down. 💔
The X-rays showed more fluid on her lungs. 💔
She has repeatedly spiked a fever and her blood pressure either drops REALLY low or spikes REALLY high. 💔
We are waiting on the cultures from the bronchoscopy to see if there is an infection.
She is also putting out a lot of blood in her chest tubes and her hemoglobin is trending down but we can’t figure out where the extra blood is coming from. She will probably need a blood transfusion 💔
She will wake up occasionally and move her hands but she will not open her eyes and we are not sure why. We are watching her and doing lots of neuro exams to make sure her brain is okay. Her last neuro exam was “sluggish” 💔
I was able to see her old lungs and they were extremely dark in color, almost black. Healthy lungs should be a very light pink color. The doctor was shocked that she was doing as well as she was before transplant. It was ALL GOD!!🩷
Please pray that Kylie starts to improve and that we can get some answers. I’m so nervous. 🙏🏼
Also, please pray for the donor family. There is not one minute that goes by that I don’t think about them. 🙏🏼
Also, I am so grateful to all the medical staff (in Virginia and Texas). Kylie has been blessed from the very beginning with amazing nurses, doctors, RTs, surgeons, etc.
God has truly blessed us. 🩷
God has also blessed Kylie with an amazing support system. I am so grateful for each of you and your prayers, comments, messages and love you have shown my family. 🩷
I have not had a moment to respond to everyone yet because I am non stop moving, helping nurses, asking questions, taking notes, doing research and trying to learn as much as possible so I can be the very best caregiver to Kylie. 🩷
Y’all mean so much to me and I promise to try to respond soon 🩷

Prayer Warriors,

Thank you for your diligence and unwavering faith as you petition our Father!


Our Info

Phone: 432-557-3029

Email: lonnie@springcreekministries.org