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Update on Kylie:


Once the chest tubes are out, they are going to start weening her on the vent! 🩷

Kylie is having a REALLY hard time with the withdrawals. 💔
Her heart rate and blood pressure have been very high for two days. She has been shaking, sweating and having diarrhea. I sat beside her bed and just cried because it is so hard to see her like this. She has never had withdrawals this bad before💔
Please pray that Kylie starts to feel better 🙏🏼

They found a knot on the top of Kylie’s head after surgery and it has not gone away, like we had hoped. Dermatology is coming to look at it and make sure it’s not anything serious.

Also, if everything goes as planned Kylie will be discharged in about a month (maybe two). I asked her doctor if we could transfer her care to VCU after she is discharged, so we could go home (Virginia).
That request was denied, we have to stay in Houston for 3-6 months after discharge. It was disheartening to hear because we miss our home, jobs, family and friends so much.
We have been staying at the Ronald McDonald house but when Kylie leaves the hospital they want us to keep her in a very tight bubble with minimal contact or interaction with the outside world. Kylie is on a lot of immune suppressants that kill her immune system so that her body does not reject the new lungs. 🫁

Previously, a few people had recommended some charities that offer apartments to transplant patients, Im so sorry but I can’t remember the names of the charities or find the messages. If anyone has any recommendations for housing that would help us keep Kylie safe then I would really appreciate the advice.

I have been catching up on responding to messages. Reading y’all’s messages brings me to tears; the love and support you all have shown my family leaves me speechless. I don’t know how to adequately thank you but please know that each of you are so special to me. You bring me so much joy, comfort and peace and I thank God for yall everyday. God bless yall 🩷

Any mail for Kylie can be sent to:

Ashley Overfield
2429 Bissonnet ST
Box 117
Houston, TX 77005