Mission Statement

Spring Creek Ministries is dedicated to assist people who have long-term or terminal illness and are no longer able to move about freely in society. Because of the fast pace culture we live in today, often times these people are simply forgotten. Our goal is to assist these people in staying connected to their church homes as well as helping them find the proper resources to deal with their ongoing challenges.


1. To address the immediate needs of home-bound individuals, and those with long-term and terminal illnesses.
2. To increase awareness of this gap in ministry to local churches
3. To provided training and assist in setting up in-house programs for churches wanting to address this issue.


For any ministry to have a sustained and profitable life two things are needed:

  1. Prayer Support – to ask for continued guidance and wise decisions as we move forward and grow this ministry
  2. Financial Support – Salary, operational expenses (training, travel, promotional, etc.)
  • Ministry Partners are needed to provide ongoing monthly support. This can be done here
    • One-time contributions are also welcomed and can be in the form of a memorial if so desired


Meet Lonnie and Donna of Spring Creek Ministries

Lonnie and Donna Hamil

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Our Info

Phone: 432-557-3029

Email: lonnie@springcreekministries.org