Just last week we had our first Spring Creek Ministries Board Meeting! We had to have the board established before we could apply for our 501(c)3 non-profit status.

So – if you are a monthly contributor please CONTINUE to make checks payable to 6th & Jackson Church of Christ until we notify you. We still have to finish all the IRS forms and send them in for approval.

Our board consists of 5 people right now.

President – Lonnie Hamil

Vice President – R.C. Anderson – R.C. is a faithful Christian man, a financial Advisor for Edward Jones in Canton, TX. He is also a long time contributor to the ministry.

Secretary – Mark Musselman – Mark is a dear friend from college days that I had lost contact with. We were reunited when I had my small strokes about 4 years ago. Mark is also a financial Advisor for Edward Jones in the Crowley, TX area. He and his wife Patti have been faithful contributors to the ministry as well as wonderful Christian examples to our family.

Treasurer – Donna Hamil

Board Member – Cassie Johnston – We met Cassie about a year ago. Cassie is the Co-founder and Executive Director for Alstrom Angels (non-profit) here in Lubbock. Cassie has been very instrumental in helping and advising us as we moved the ministry into it’s own non-profit status. She was also largely responsible for organizing “Giving Tuesday” in the Lubbock area.

We are very pleased to have these folks on the board and are excited to see what God has in store for our future!

The last two months have been very busy for Donna & I. I finally decided to just lock myself in the office so I could get this report written and sent out.


This is a copy of a post I put out on Facebook in December:

I am amazed again by God’s blessings! I was at the chiropractor a few days ago and we were talking about this ministry. He asked me how many children we were currently working with and I started counting. As soon as I came up with a number he started texting someone. He told me to check back in a day and he would have dolls for every child. When I returned I was shocked to see VK NAGRANI dolls. Nagrani is world renown for his high end luxury designer clothing. The story behind the story is:
Together, with the Calderon Sisters of Lima, Peru, Nagrani works to help elevate the lives of young, single mothers and help reduce his luxury clothing business’ carbon footprint. Single mothers who are having a hard time finding regular work are hand making each of these very special dolls using all the left over fabrics from production. Each doll is signed by the artist who made it. The idea was not just about the money, but about elevating the human spirit. To be able to make each doll requires hours of work and a committed worker! These women are paid the full $65.00 that the dolls sell for in VK’s business. On “Giving Tuesday” this year, some very dedicated Texans purchased every doll available to donate to the cause! Now, we have been blessed to be able to share these with our younger patients! A very special “THANK YOU” to those who wish to remain anonymous!

Here are pictures of some of the kiddos who received the dolls:

This is Cooper & Savana Erwin. Cooper has

Spina Bifida and Savana has Biliary Atresia,

a rare liver disease that will require a transplant in the near future.

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This is Kynadi & Parker Lee. Kynadi and her twin sister, Kaitlyn,(not shown) have Hydrocephalus.

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This is Zadee Lopez. Zadee has cancer.












The other recipients of dolls are:

Kynadi Lee – Hydrocephalus

A.J. Cucksey – Brain tumor

Easton Lopez – Trauma brain injury (on life support)

Eden Lopez (Easton’s sister)


Honey cropped colorAs many of you know, we have had some family challenges the last two weeks. Donna’s mother, Joan Rigney, was in a car accident. The car accident led to surgery to remove blood clots in her head. After surgery Joan was not able to wake up or breathe on her own sufficiently. After nine days in this condition and the neurosurgeon explaining the damage to her brain, the family decided to remove life support. Our sweet “Honey” left this world to join the Heavenly Father about 10:15 AM on Thursday, January 28th.







Prayer List:

All of our kiddos from above

Randy Bell – 50s – Just had his right foot amputated (diabetes)

Leroy Lewis – 93 years old recovering from surgery to remove a tumor in his intestines

Trent Hawthorn – 20s – car accident, multiple bone fractures. His wife Lauren passed away in the accident.

Rosalee Burnet – passed away. Allen & Jackie Cason family

Ed Foster – passed away – Foster & Nichols family

Lauren Martin – ongoing health concerns and treatments

Bob Barnhill – ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)

Bridgette Whitley – surgery to remove a tumor in her knee

Malori Maddox – recovering from surgery to correct a brain bleed

Kaleb Hockenberry – recovering from a gunshot wound to the neck.

Shamadrick Bills – recovering from six gunshot wounds to his torso and spine


We also solicit your prayers. With the drop in the oil industry and some other challenges, we have lost quite a bit of support. The positive side of this situation is that we have, once again, had to realize that God is in control and we are just his vessels to share HIM with those who are hurting.

Blessings & Grace,


Our Info

Phone: 432-557-3029

Email: lonnie@springcreekministries.org