From Jody O’Briant:
“We are so thankful for you and others that The Lord has put in our path this last year and especially over this last week. Thank you for praying. The biopsy results came back yesterday and were positive for many metastasis. This means that the cancer has come back and is currently in Jasper’s lungs.The fight continues and we need you and others beseeching The King of The Universe for us. The first step in fighting this reoccurrence is surgery to remove the nodules.Dr. O’Suoji has a surgeon at UMC who said he will do surgery. We had an appointment with Dr. McGill and surgery will be Friday. Could be about a week in the hospital for surgery, one week to recover, then start chemo November 29. Please pray for the surgeon, Dr. McGill. Also, there was not enough cells from the biopsy for Foundation 1 to get information on immunotherapy but they drew blood to send to Dr. Reynolds, a researcher in Lubbock. He said, “Get me one cell and I can grow more.” So he will try to see if a new chemo drug he is researching will have any effect on Jasper’s cells.This is not easy but we believe this is where God has us.Prayer needs:1. Please pray in thanks to The Lord for these nodules being found early as well as a surgical team willing to take these on when they are still so small.2. Please pray for Jasper in every way possible. He loves Jesus, so not for salvation, but for every other way possible. Cancer is ugly no matter the age. Pediatric cancer is truly part of the curse.3. Pray for the doctors as they make decisions for Jasper’s care. Pray that every nodule is found and removed.4. Please lift up our family. God has blessed us with much love and faith. Pray that those grow in this time of struggle.We are blessed by your concern. When you think of us please don’t just leave it in a thought. Pray to The King, Praise His name, lift up these requests in Jesus’ name, expect Him to do miracles and trust Him to do the best thing. We love you. Please share with others who will pray to Jesus. Jesus is King!”