“Let me start by saying thank you for your encouragement and prayers. Doug and Lyn have been in Houston since Monday. After some scheduling and cancellations, we finally feel like we have some directions. After studying the kidney tumor biopsy, Doug’s team of doctors feel confident that the kidney cancer is carcinoma with sarcoma-like tendencies(which cause it to be aggressive and turbocharged). A CT scan yesterday showed that the cancer has increased since the scan done 5 weeks ago. They will go home tomorrow and return to Houston on Sunday. On Monday, Doug will meet with the oncologist who is head of the clinical trial that is recommended. We’re ready to get started.
I’m reminded today of the words of the psalmist, “My soul finds rest in God alone. Yes, my hope comes from Him.” This rest is my prayer for Doug and Lyn.
Grace and peace,
Praying for you Doug.