Update on Ashley Rogers

by Oct 9, 2018Uncategorized0 comments

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Ashley lives in League City, TX and has been on our prayer list before. She is a chronic pain warrior and deals with crushing migraines most of the time. I had the opportunity to finally meet this sweet young lady in person yesterday. We were able to visit for a little while and pray together. Her dad, Blake and boyfriend, Conner also joined us. Please remember Ashley in your prayers, as her normal day is something most of us wouldn’t be able to recognize. What’s amazing to me is how she continues to encourage others even through her pain. She is a wonderful Christian example!

Side note – Her dad, Blake, grew up on Spring Creek in Mertzon, Texas – the same Spring Creek that we named this ministry after!

Blessings and grace,


Our Info

Phone: 432-557-3029

Email: lonnie@springcreekministries.org