Update on Kaleb Hockenberry

by Jan 25, 2018Uncategorized0 comments

Kaleb Hill

Donna & I were able to see Kaleb for a few minutes this evening. He had to have a blood transfusion today but things are looking up! I had promised Kaleb that I would bring Donna with me for the next visit so we could sing for him. He told me that his hearing had been pretty sensitive so I said we would wait until next time. He told us to go ahead. The song we sang is one I like to hear when going through challenging times. You might find it comforting also. These are the words:

In need of grace, in need of love, in need of mercy raining down from high above. In need of strength, in need of peace, in need of things that only You can give to me.

In need of Christ, the perfect Lamb, my refuge strong, the great I Am. This is my song, my humble plea, I am Your child, I am in need.

Please continue prayers for my friend, Kaleb!
