Greetings brothers and sisters! Things have begun to get very busy in the hub of the south plains!

To begin with, we are very pleased to announce two new partners to the ministry! We received this letter on October 8, 2015:

Dear Lonnie,

 Betenbough Homes was honored to review your Community Grant Application. Our team recognizes and applauds your efforts to minister to terminally ill people and their families.

 We feel that your organization is vital to the Lubbock community. We are thankful for all you do and are thrilled to partner with you this year. We have decided to fund your [request] in 2015, to help with costs associated with transportation and hospitality. Please find the check enclosed …

A BIG thank you to Betenbough Homes for helping us offset some of the contributions lost due to the downturn in the oilfield! We also want to thank Allison Smith, Regional Ministry Coordinator, for helping us make this dream a reality! We pray this that is the beginning of a relationship that will bless many lives in the future.

Our next partner is a couple that you have prayed for in the past, Joel & Lauren Martin. Lauren was diagnosed, some time ago, with May – Thurner Syndrome.



The effect of this illness makes it impossible for Lauren to work a full time job. Wanting to contribute to the Kingdom, Lauren started a project called Boo Boo Boxes. She seeks out terminally ill children, contacts their parents and finds out what specific likes the children have. Then she sets to work filling a box with toys, blankets and things she has crocheted for them. Different from other projects to raise money for medical costs and incidentals, her goal is to give these children a box full of things just for them, to bring a bit of joy in the midst of the pain, hospitals, treatments and such. In the past we have donated to her projects and seen great results. A couple of weeks ago I approached the Martins and asked if they would like to team up with Spring Creek Ministries. I felt like it would give their project more exposure and help to raise the funds (tax deductible) needed to reach more children. It will also benefit us because they will help us write cards, make visits (when Lauren’s health allows), and connect us to more families in need.

I asked Lauren to write a small part sharing her feelings about our new partnership and I also thought it would give you a chance to get to know them better.

“Hello Spring Creek family. First of all I would like to thank you all, so very much, for welcoming us into your family. I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am to work with Lonnie, Donna, and with Spring Creek Ministries. As someone who has spent more than her fair share of time in the hospital, I have an understanding and appreciation for what life is like for children who are struggling with terminal illnesses. It [has] occurred to me that they are always in the hospital, always in an uncomfortable hospital bed instead of their own, [and] always being poked and prodded by needles, IVs, and tubes. They don’t get to just be kids. My goal is to send boxes to as many of these kids as possible. Just boxes full of things that make them feel like kids again. Like happy, normal kids; if even for a day. I want them to have new toys to play with and new things to focus on besides the horrible monster of a disease they’re trying to overcome. Usually their parents will send me a picture or a video of them opening their boxes and looking through their new treasures and the smiles on their faces are so bright and so beautiful that you can truly see the “kid” in them again. It’s a smile you can’t explain. That is why I’m so excited to bring this project into Spring Creek Ministries! With your help I will be able to reach so many more children and, at the same time, I will be able to help Spring Creek in any way I can! I’m hoping to find children closer to Lubbock as well so that I can start visiting them in person to encourage and pray over them.
Finally, I know that you all have been praying for my husband and I for a couple of years now and I just want you to know how much we appreciate every single one of them! Please know those prayers have not gone unanswered because God has gotten me through some very rough and scary times in the past year and I certainly felt your love and prayers during those times! Thank you again for accepting us into your family! We can’t wait to see where this goes.
Many blessings to you all,
Lauren Martin”

Please join me in welcoming our two new partners!

Prayers needed:  Don Koonce passed away at his daughter’s home on October 10th after a tough battle with cancer. We had the privilege and honor to visit Don in the hospital, here in Lubbock, and sing to him. Please remember Carmen and the family.

David Perrin made his final journey home, after battling cancer, on October 12th. When we went by to visit David the first time Curtis Parrish was there visiting. Curtis added his beautiful bass voice to our singing along with David’s wife, Dawn, singing alto. It was a quartet made in heaven! Thanks to both of you! Please remember Dawn, the boys and family in your prayers.

tracy FTracy Faulkner lost her fight with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) on October 12th also. Her sister, Vicki Potts, heard us singing to David Perrin and asked us to come sing to Tracy. Not only did we get to sing but Curtis Parrish also gave her a preview of the “Voice of the Texas Tech Red Raiders” by sharing his opening announcement for the coming game. She lit up when she heard the popular voice! Please add Todd and the children to your prayers as they readjust to a new life.

TylerTyler Holdeman is down to one or two seizures a night, which is an improvement! please continue prayers that the medications will be regulated and his life will return to some normalcy.


FrankFrank Bills is a 15 year old that was shot 6 times in a drive by shooting in Lubbock. We have been honored to make visits, sing and take a soft fleece throw to Frank. He is in therapy now recovering from his ordeal.


Noteworthy: I have failed to mention in the past that One Hope Church of Midland, Texas provides our ministry with the most beautiful fleece blankets and throws. Laura Watkins delivered several of these to us a few weeks ago. It was inspiring to find out that the women who make these blankets pray over them before they ever come to us. They pray for the person who will receive the blanket before it ever finds a home! Thank you for blessing us, One Hope!

Leonard Ruebush is home after spending 22 days in the hospital recovering from a collapsed lung. Praise God!

david & LindseyLindsey Iten continues treatment for Inflammatory Breast Cancer.





Jayden Dennis
continues to recover from the loss of his hand in a work related accident. His attitude is great and he is re-learning how to do the things we all take for granted. Things like tying his shoes and putting on a belt!


News Update: We are now able to do bank drafts! If you are tired of mailing checks and spending postage every month please contact me and we will get you set up.


I pray that each of you are doing well and receiving God’s blessings daily!

For the Kingdom,

Lonnie Hamil

Our Info

Phone: 432-557-3029
