Oh my goodness! My deepest apologies for being so long in sending out a report! It completely skipped my mind. I guess I could blame it on my mini-strokes from over a year ago but we will just call it “old-timers”. 🙂

I hope this report finds all of you doing well.  Since this is October and we started the ministry in October, some of you who do a yearly support check, it is coming due. I apologize that I haven’t contacted you personally, but will be doing that in the near future if I haven’t heard from you. Due to folks retiring, moving, changing jobs, or other challenges, we have lost over one thousand dollars per month of support. If you know of anyone who might be interested in our ministry, please forward their names to me or contact them and ask. I would greatly appreciate anything you can do to help!

A dear friend of mine, Janelle Woody, has recently retired from Home Hospice. She was such a blessing to Donna and I. When someone was ready for hospice care, I could make one phone call and Janelle would get the ball rolling. As you know, time is of essence in these situations and Janelle always made things happen quickly and smoothly. I am going to miss her beautiful smile, her contagious personality and her loving hugs! Congratulations to my dear friend on her retirement!

September 3rd I received this post on Facebook from Diane Brock Lindsey: Lonnie, I am sharing this post with Spring Creek Ministries, but I cannot get it to post there. So I am sending it to you. This is Paiton. She is my great niece. She just celebrated her 1st birthday last week. Her first month of life was spent in a Texas Children’s Hospital with doctors pretty sure that she would not survive. You were asked to intercede to the Father on her behalf. You did. I want to thank you and to give thanks to the almighty God for his faithfulness and his answer. She is a bundle of joy.

Paiton Lee Hearn





  “Paiton Lee Hearn”






Eddie Foster continues to recover from pneumonia and doing much better.

Lynn Payne is back home from a hospital stay in Dallas. His heart is weakening and his COPD is taking its toll on he and Sheila.

Roy Hart continues to deal with Alzheimer’s and is now experiencing “Sundowner’s” which make him very restless and agitated in the evenings. Pray for Merita’s continued strength and good health as she assists Roy.

Londa Medlin is going to her back doctor today to discuss the repairs needed to her back after the wreck that took James’ life.  She is hoping to wait until next year before having any surgery.

Jack and Minnie Hedgepeth, Peggy Whitefield’s parents, recently moved to Odessa and are now in assisted living. Minnie has Alzheimer’s and the move has been difficult for her.

Deidra Satterwhite, 29, had surgery earlier this month to remove a tumor from inside her spine. The surgery went very well and the tumor was benign – but recovery has been painful and not near quickly enough!

Pedie Hogan, Ted Hogan’s mother passed away after suffering a stroke, on September 18th. What a beautiful and sweet woman she was.

Charlie Conn passed away, after battling cancer for some time, on September 25th.

 Helen Coggins passed away peacefully at her home (Emeritus Assisted Living) on October 4th. Please remember her daughter, Iris Riggs and the rest of the family. Lynn Money did a beautiful job at her graveside service!

John Hadley passed away on October 8th. John was a member of Sherwood church of Christ and taught an adult class for many years. Please remember Helen and the family.

Betty Gelnar, long time member of 6th & Jackson church of Christ, also passed away on October 8th. She had battled her second round of cancer for only a short time. She and Joe had recently moved from Odessa to Victoria, TX.  Pray for Joe and the family as they make adjustments.

As I write this report, Donna is away on a trip with her mother. Please pray for their safety and my cooking while she is gone. Also, please pray for me as I travel to raise funds for the ministry!

Blessings & Grace to all of you!
