I pray that this report finds each of you doing well! It was a good month for Donna, I, and the ministry. The Lord continues to open doors for us. I wish we could share every thing that happens, but privacy laws make that difficult.

James Medlin’s memorial service was on July 6 and was very nice. I had the opportunity to lead the congregational singing and was blessed to be able to participate.

On July 9 Nadene Meachum passed away unexpectedly. Nadene was a true servant for the Lord. She served at 6th & Jackson church of Christ for many years. She was always at the building early Monday morning to pick up flowers (used to decorate Sunday service) to deliver to the sick or shut-in. She helped others who were home bound and made hospital visits. I’m sure there are untold things she did that no one knew about. She was a great encourager and always greeted me with a smile. I will miss her dearly!

As some of you already know, 6th & Jackson asked me to act as interim youth minister in my spare time. I was able to take the teens to Pine Springs Summer Camp and participate as Co-Director with John King for the week of July 14-19. I was given the opportunity to teach a class, preach and reach out to others. I was also able to share Spring Creek Ministries with some folks there and hopefully it will open more doors for opportunity. We have also been able to involve some of the teens in our visitation of the homebound.

July 22nd marked the one-year anniversary of Marco Lomeli’s passing away. Marco was the first child we worked with in the ministry. The family asked me to speak at a memorial service in Crane on that day. Shawn & Megan Miller along with several of the teens went with Donna and I to the memorial service.

On Saturday, August 3 I received news that two friends had passed away. Wallace Cunningham passed after being in Hospice care for only a short time. Kees Paap had an accident, stemming from his Parkinson’s, and was found by the family in their swimming pool that same afternoon. This was a terrible shock to all. Faye asked me to do the memorial service and I was honored. Please remember these families in their grief.

August 7th marked the one-year date of Tommy Kennedy’s passing. I still miss him and his wonderful smile. Please remember Martha and the children.

Family News: August 6th marked Reed & Julie’s anniversary. Our grandson, Jonathan, has started walking! College is around the corner for Jacob and Reed has been accepted into the “Graduate School of Theology” at Abilene Christian University with a 70% tuition scholarship! Oh, and did I mention that our grandson has started walking! J

Those to remember in prayer:

Londa Medlin – loss of James

Iola Cunningham – loss of Wallace

Jack & Carolyn Stockton – Carolyn continues to be in Hospice care in Crane

Roy & Merita Hart – Roy is in Hospice care for Alzheimer’s and is steadily declining

Eddie Foster – MCH with pneumonia


We thank God for each of you and your continued prayers! May God bless you and your families in the coming month!

Lonnie & Donna Hamil




Our Info

Phone: 432-557-3029

Email: lonnie@springcreekministries.org