Some minor Changes
The Facebook Page
In case you are wondering, we are making some changes on how we send you information about the ministry and folks that need our prayers.
This will change the way you are receiving the information in a couple of ways. First, since all posts are now done through our website, it will continue to post to the Facebook page and will link you back to our website. This makes the information more readily available for our supporters who are not on Facebook.
The Newsletter
Second, the email newsletter format is also changing as a part of this new format. Instead of the semi-monthly update that we were sending out, we are now sending out a weekly newsletter every Thursday. We felt that we were missing some things when publishing one long update.
We want to make sure we are passing all of the information along. So, you will now receive an email with all of updates from the current week, gathered into one location where you can catch up on anything you may have missed.
Staying Busy
We have had a flurry of things happening in the ministry the last few days so I hope this format is working for all.
As always, we appreciated your support and welcome any feedback you would like to share! We are also working on setting up a “Donate” button on the website. We were called to minister in this way, and we love it, but, we are dependent on your financial support. If you are a contributor, we graciously thank you! If you would be willing to help – please contact me at or 432/557-3029. The Lord is allowing us to touch the lives of Christians and non-Christians alike. Please consider joining us in this wonderful opportunity!
Blessings and Grace to each of you,
PS My oldest and youngest sons, through their business, Hamil Bros Studios, work tirelessly to help us promote Spring Creek Ministries! My love and appreciation for them is boundless! If you have need for their services you can contact them at!