Dear Family & Friends,


It’s amazing how just a few days can make such a difference. With February being a short month – our over-all visits were down around seventy-five. There was substantial time spent with a family who lost their 38 year old daughter unexpectedly. Kathy Wallace leaves behind 2 sweet boys and a husband. Please pray for healing in that family. I had the opportunity to get to know a new Christian, Jerry Campbell. Jerry is in the last stages of cancer but he has made things right with God and is preparing to make the final journey.

It was fun to prepare and deliver several small valentine gifts to some of our hurting members and friends. There response was very encouraging. I know that my creative juices aren’t like you wonderful ladies – but I worked with what I had.

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"Some of the Valentine gifts"


Along with hospital, nursing home, and in home visits – I also spent quite a bit of time working on fund raising in February. I was blessed with safe travel and more supporters for the ministry! I am learning that this is an ongoing process and will just take some of my time.

Donna, Jacob and I had the privilege of  making some visits together and singing to a few different folks. It is always good to have a son home for the weekend and what a delight to get to sing with him. We even had one person get up and sing with us. Caren Reneau has a beautiful voice and fit right in. (maybe we will adopt her into the family)

Sixth & Jackson Church of Christ was kind enough to allow me to preach one Sunday this last month. I hadn’t had the opportunity in so long that it really felt good. I was able to explain my ministry to the family there and encourage them in reaching out to others. Thanks to all who had such encouraging words!

As I write this report Donna (my lovely wife) is in the middle of choir contests in Lubbock. She has been such a blessing in the ministry and gives freely of her time to assist any way she can. Thanks Donna!

On February 26th, Ross’ wife, Haley, obeyed the Gospel. Praise God! Reed’s wife , Julie, has taken a temporary job teaching music in San Angelo. We are praying it will turn into a full time position.  Jacob is continuing his studies at Lubbock Christian and doing quite well.

Donna & I will be attending a church family retreat on Easter weekend that is focused on reviving fellowship within the church family. Hopefully we can bring what we learn home and it will bless congregations in this area also.

As the ministry grows there are more and more referrals for people to help. Please pray for me as I have to make decisions, almost daily, on which direction to proceed.

I thank God for each of you who pray for and help support Spring Creek Ministries! You are such a blessing to the Hamil family.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,

to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Ephesians 3:20-21

Blessings & Grace until next time,
