Greetings to all of our prayer warriors and supporters! I hope this report finds you doing well and blessed. Springtime is upon us and watching the renewal of plants and trees makes me think about how God allows us a fresh new start every day!

We continue to wait for our new office to be finished. It looks like we may be able to move in this week. I’m not sure if we will ever get all of the sheetrock dust out of the house.

lee kids

We were “facetimed” by one of our favorite little girls just yesterday. Kynadi Lee, along with her mom, Courtney called to let us know that she is doing really well. She does not have to have surgery on her legs and she is making progress with her walking. She has also gone five weeks since her last seizure and this is monumental! She does have strep throat right now but you couldn’t tell it by her smile! Kaitlyn is also doing very well and Parker stole the show at his first track meet.





On April 1 Dena Baggett made her final journey. Billy & Dena were members at Sherwood Church of Christ for as long as I can remember. Dena had suffered with pancreatic cancer for quite some time. I loved her dry sense of humor and beautiful smile. Rest in peace, Dena!






Roy Hart

Roy Hart lost his battle to Alzheimer’s on April 8. I was not able to participate in the memorial service because of prior obligations but was able to write a tribute to him. Merita, his wife, was an awesome example of true love. She was with him everyday through his illness and stood by his side until the end. Thank you, Merita, for your beautiful Christian example!





We are saddened to announce that Gloria Wilson passed away unexpectedly on April 13th. She was along time member of 6th & Jackson Church of Christ. I found out that Gloria had a very different past from most folks. When Gloria was in her early twenties she was diagnosed with Tuberculosis, because of the nature of her illness and lack of medical knowledge, she spent seven years in quarantine in a hospital! I wish we could hear the story straight from her, but there is no doubt that she turned all of that over to the Lord and it made her a better person. Her smile was infectious and she spread joy everywhere she went!


Jessica Combs, a long time friend, is in her final battle with ovarian cancer. She has been a great example of someone who never gives up. She has been an inspiration to mothers everywhere. All through her illness she has continued to stay involved with her family, especially her children. Over the last few days, when I have visited with her, she always manages to share her smile and her precious wink.






With all of these folks – there is family that is grieving, and missing their loved ones. Please pray for these folks as they navigate these new waters in their lives.

God continues to bless our ministry and lead us to the folks that we need to minister to. We do not take our responsibility lightly and realize that, for a short time, we are on the front line for these folks. Please pray for us as we minister to the dying and their families.

Thank you for making this ministry possible through your continued support!

Blessings and Grace,

Lonnie Hamil