As I write this report the tabulation of votes is taking place. Many of my friends are on pins and needles as they await the outcome. I think it’s important and I voted – but, for me, the bottom line is that Jesus rose from the dead and because of that I win! That is all I have to say about the whole thing. Now moving on to sharing our progress in the ministry…
As the email I sent on October 16th stated – my wife, Donna has joined the ministry full time. What an awesome addition! In the last two weeks she has made several visits, started helping me organize ministry data and in general, has made operations much more smooth. Some have even told me that she is much easier on the eye than I am! “Welcome to the team, Donna!” She will also be taking on the book keeping so please start sending your checks to the following address: 10 Haner Ct, Odessa, TX 79762. Also, I want to thank Delana Wilkerson, secretary at 6th & Jackson Church of Christ, for handling the books for the last year. She has been a great help!
I spent part of the last month raising funds for the ministry. Along with that was the opportunity to work with some new folks. Carolyn Stockton is a very sweet lady that has had Alzheimer’s for an extended time. Donna & I had the pleasure of meeting her and her husband, Jack. Before we left Donna asked her if she would like to sing a song with us. We sang “How Great Thou Art” and Carolyn joined us with a strong alto voice. There were three other folks that we were able to add to our ministry but I failed to ask if I could use their names in my report. I also had the opportunity to assist in a baptism last month. The person requested that their name not be printed. Please be praying for more open doors!
Many have commented on our Spring Creek Ministry work shirts – I would like to thank Betty’s Bobbin Box for providing the embroidery work that makes them so nice. Special thanks to Caren Reneau, owner!
I would also like to thank the many folks who have been sending memorials to our ministry for the loss of friends and loved ones. These, too, have been a great help.
Those to Remember:
Paiton Lee Hearn – new born that is home and doing great now
Jodi Hogan – now at home recovering from a spiral break to her femur
The Morris Smith Family (Morris passed away a couple of weeks ago)
Carl Denton – ongoing health problems
Jodi Conn – Airlifted to Dallas with severe pneumonia
Carol Hill – ongoing heart problems
Kaitlyn & Kynadi Lee (3 yr old twins) ongoing developmental challenges from premature birth
Bill Elms has been moved to Hospice House with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer
Miliana Baar – 22 year old non-verbal lady with ongoing health challenges
Bentley Hawley – doing well with cancer treatments
Martha Farris – dealing with pain in her legs (still undiagnosed)
Kim Nolan – Long term care at Sienna Nursing home (blind & quadriplegic)
Carolyn Stockton – Alzheimer’s
Forrest McCleery – fell and fractured hip – recovering from surgery at ORMC
Benny Keck – recovering from pneumonia and complications with kidneys
Jim & Delores Barton – both having challenges with M.S.
Neal Marshall – awaiting pet scan results from M.D. Anderson
Faith Vinyard Trahan – recovering from brain aneurysm surgery
I apologize in advance if I have left anyone off of the above list. Please feel free to email or call me if you know of others that we need to put on the list.
Last but not least:
To all sponsors – PLEASE email your birthday(s) to us (just month & day). We are trying to update our records and would like to remember you at that time.
We thank you for your continued support and covering of prayer!
Blessings & Grace,