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Update on my health the cancer mass I have is colon cancer. Surgery is not an option. My two choices are let nature take its course or take chemo treatments to shrink the cancer to extend my life. I have chosen to take chemo treatments to shrink the cancer. I can always stop the treatments if I do not think it is helping. Please keep me and everyone that is dealing with cancer in your prayers.
Update on my health the cancer mass I have is colon cancer. Surgery is not an option. My two choices are let nature take its course or take chemo treatments to shrink the cancer to extend my life. I have chosen to take chemo treatments to shrink the cancer. I can always stop the treatments if I do not think it is helping. Please keep me and everyone that is dealing with cancer in your prayers.
My apologies for not getting this posted sooner – 

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Email: lonnie@springcreekministries.org