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Update on Kylie from her Ashley:
I have some good news! 🩷
We were told that we could be cleared to go home soon! 🩷
We were given a list of things we have to do before they clear us and we are working hard to accomplish each task.
Here are the things that have to be done first.
find a pediatrician that is comfortable handling Kylie’s case in RVA (Richmond, Virginia)
– find a pediatric pulmonologist in RVA
– find a pediatric ENT in RVA
– find a physical, occupational and speech therapist in RVA
– make an appointment with Texas children’s ENT and see them before going home to be possibly decannulated (they prefer her to be decannulated before going home)
– Kylie must be able to sit up and roll over on her own
I’m trying to stay positive and be very proactive to accomplish all of this before my older daughter (McKenzie) returns to school (end of August). 🩷
Even though the 3 month bronchoscopy didn’t go as planned and they couldn’t test for rejection, they feel comfortable waiting till her 6 month bronchoscopy because the lungs looked good and are healing well. 🩷
Here is an interesting fact about transplant babies that I just learned.
Before transplant Kylie was in the 97 percentile for height. All my kids have been 97-99 percentile for height (I am 5’11 and dad is 6’2, so it makes sense).
Since transplant Kylie has dropped to 45 percentile for height and weight, because of all the steroids transplant patients have to take it causes them to not be as tall as they normally would have been. 🤯🤷🏼‍♀️
Did anyone else know that? Her doctors just told me that.
As long as she is here and in my arms, I don’t care if she is as small as a leprechaun lol.
Please pray that we are able to accomplish everything on our list quickly so we can go home soon! 🙏🏼
We have never been able to show Kylie her home and I am so excited! 🩷

Our Info

Phone: 432-557-3029

Email: lonnie@springcreekministries.org