A wonderful update on Victoria Burns progress! She was removed from the life support ventilator a few days ago… it took her 3 months to get strong enough to breath on her own. She was cleared to eat thickened liquids and pureed foods…as she has to practice swallowing and strengthening her throat muscles. She took 13 steps this week!!! And she is working with PT, OT, and ST to strengthen her body. Thanks to Ellie of Muse Salon in Boise, who washes and styles her hair on Sundays… Preslie who flew in this week to be with Victoria, Melissa and Kelsey who bring disney Legos, Lucie and Paisley who visit often and provide skin care… friends who visit… Susan, Holly, Wyatt, Lisa, Shannon, Lucies aunt, her boyfriend Jonatan who talks to her several times a day via the computer, and others who call and are helping Victoria recover! Thankful to God for the progress forward.