Kylie’s First Easter
I hope everyone had an amazing Easter
This weekend was amazing for my family.
My oldest daughter (McKenzie) is here with us this week (it’s her spring break)
My whole family flew in to be here this week
(except one of my sisters and brother in law; they recently were stationed in Hawaii.)
Grandpa was able to hold Kylie for the first time
My son (Caden) got his first haircut (he is one year old)
Kylie is still experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
She has thrown up quite a few times.
We have continued to try to ween her off of her pain and sedation medication but she is not happy about it.
Kylie is officially listed to accept ALL DONORS!
She will be the FIRST baby in the country to get lungs that are not a blood match.
Her blood work came back and it shows that Kylie has not started to produce antibodies to other blood types. That is good because it means that she will have a good chance at accepting lungs that are not a blood match.
Kylie is still losing weight and they are keeping a close eye on it. Please pray she starts to gain weight and that this will not affect her status on the list.
Please pray that Kylie’s withdrawal symptoms go away and for a donor soon
Any mail for Kylie can be sent to:
Ashley Overfield
2429 Bissonnet ST
Box 117
Houston, TX 77005