2019 – The New Year!
Here we are, barely into 2019, and things are popping in the ministry! Last year many of you went through some very challenging times, loss of loved ones, devastating diagnoses, medical procedures, travel for sickness and the list goes on. I look back and see how God blessed us, in spite of all the challenges.
I watched families pick up the pieces, stand together, say goodbyes and look forward with anticipation. I watched others who are still in the midst of turmoil, still wondering why, trying to make it through another day, hour, minute. My heart hurts for those with no hope, those who feel alone and those who are afraid to reach out.
We, at Spring Creek Ministries, are dedicated to be there for more people in 2019. We are willing to – be a shoulder to lean on, be a heart that listens, be non-judging, be ready to stand in the gap, try to answer questions, look for more options, and give hope!
God bless those of you who financially support this ministry, those who pray without ceasing and those who send kind, loving and encouraging words our way!
May this be the best year of your lives!
Much love,