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12/6 Update on Kylie from Ashley:

“We have a surgery date!
Kylie will be going in on Monday to check in and get a room at VCU Children’s hospital of Richmond.
She will have surgery Tuesday to place the port in her chest and stay over night to be monitored and hopefully be discharged Wednesday.
It will take about 3 days to heal and she will be starting the IVIG asap. The hematologist said she may require this the rest of her life. Please pray that’s not true and that the IVIG stops the antibodies from attacking her lungs after a few sessions. 🙏🏼
Kylie is also working towards receiving all her feeds through her G tube instead of the J tube. We are starting slowly to see how her stomach handles it.
The hope is that we can get rid of the J tube. This will make life so much easier if she pulls it out. I can easily place the G tube back in at home.
Kylie will also be starting baby food soon and she will need to do a swallow test at the hospital.
Thank you all so much for your kind words and support over the past couple weeks. Life has not been easy and I could not do this journey without y’all.
I am so incredibly grateful for each of you and I don’t deserve y’all. Please know that me and my kids pray for Kylie’s tribe every night at bedtime and that God pours His blessings over each of you. I cry every time I think about you all. I am so overwhelmed with love and gratitude for you all.
God bless you.
We love you ❤️

Let continue praying for this family


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Phone: 432-557-3029

Email: lonnie@springcreekministries.org