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From Amity Hipp, Cory’s wife:
“Well friends and family we are back in Lubbock at Covenant hospital. They are thinking Cory had another stroke. It’s not anything like the first one for sure. He is alert and coherent, which he really wasn’t this morning. I’m good and the kids are good. I’m just asking for prayers. I know God can heal Cory, but it will be in His time not mine, but we sure can ask him for that, so lets overwhelm Him with prayers for healing. God has a plan for us, we just don’t know what it is. We are keeping our faith and trusting Him! He has taken care of us so far and will continue to do so!”
Cory was sent to Lubbock for a very severe stroke last year. We prayed for him then and he needs our prayers again!

Our Info

Phone: 432-557-3029

Email: lonnie@springcreekministries.org