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News on Kaleb Hockenberry. My apologies, I haven’t heard anything in a while and should have checked! 😔
From Julie, his mother:
“We finally got to bring Kaleb home, with David continuing his IV antibiotics again. Over the last month, Kaleb has undergone 3 kidney procedures that we hope will improve his health! I just want to say thank you to our wonderful UMC family! They allow us to help with Kaleb’s care, and they show him so much love. When nurses and aides that we have had in the past hear that Kaleb is in the hospital again, they make special trips to his room to say hi and check on him. It always makes his day! I wish I had pictures of everyone, but I hope they all know what putting a smile on my boy’s face means to me. Thank you, everyone, for your continued prayers. We will go back as soon as this kidney has some time to heal and then start the process over with the other kidney.
PS Dave may or may not have filled in as the OR waiting director a couple of times 😂! I am more than thankful for him and all he does for his brother!”
Please be praying for Caleb and family as they travel this hard journey.