October 15 Update –
Ella’s port was accessed beautifully this morning with a 2 inch needle, and her bilirubin and neutrophils look great! We are so thankful for all of your prayers and a God who is kind and loving.
When she and I were on the telemedicine visit with one of the surgeons and I told him a third port surgery could be avoided if we could find more 2 inch Huber Needle Infusion Sets, he just shook his head.
I’ve yet to find a medical company that sells them.
However, no one can convince me that the last six 2″ huber needle infusion sets just happen to be in the hem/onc clinic at Arkansas Children’s Hospital. The company that supplied ACH supposedly is stopping production. But we need them. And I know for a fact that Ella isn’t the only patient here that needs a needle that size.
If you are a medical professional (or know a medical professional that works with ports) and know where we can get some, please help us out!
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With so much love,