We Are Thankful For You!

Happy Thanksgiving!
As I ponder the ways God has blessed us this last year, you, our contributors, come to mind. God puts all kinds of people in our path to minister to. From infants to grandparents we are blessed to give comfort at very difficult times. This could not happen if it wasn’t for your generosity! The last year and a half have been the most difficult, financially, for Spring Creek Ministries. God has sent just the right gift at just the right time to keep us afloat, and, many of you have opened your hearts and pocketbooks in perfect timing! Donna and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts and pray that God continually blesses you in all you do!
I felt this was fitting of our thoughts for all of you:
Jesus sees your acts of love
In everything you do
And as you carry out your work,
The love of God shines through
No matter if the task is small,
You’re there to help us out
We thank you for your willingness
In all the ways you’ve helped.