Update on Haley Spears

This is what we’ve been told about Haley:
She went into the hospital with an intestinal blockage, had to have surgery for that, and ended up getting pneumonia. It’s been bad. She wasn’t able to breathe properly and her CO2 levels got deadly high. Sunday morning they found her unresponsive and put her on a ventilator to help her breathe and get the CO2 levels normal. Also Sunday, she “coded” (the vasovagal episode). She has been on the ventilator since Sunday. She had “another episode” Tuesday night. I interpreted that as meaning a vasovagal episode since she had one of those on Sunday. In other words, her heart stopped temporarily. They decided after that to restrict visitors so that she could rest.
We received this at 11:28 this morning:
Just got word they are starting to wean Haley off the ventilator again. This is a trial to see how her body will respond. Her mom’s words, “believing, hopeful, enduring.” Let’s join her in that energy!
and Just Now we received this about 4:17pm today:
Wonderful news!!! Haley is off the ventilator and now on nasal cannula (the little tubes in your nose for supplemental respiratory help)!!!
Please keep this sweet young woman in your prayers.