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Tiffany and Kids

I made it to San Antonio yesterday about noon. When I walked into Tiffany’s room there were lots of family and friends. The plan had been to say our goodbyes, give final hugs, then turn off life support. 

Tiffany’s wish was to donate any part of herself that could help someone else. After the donor organization team visited with the family, they realized that the whole process could take a couple of days to organize. This was disappointing news. 

This morning I sit drinking my coffee and praying for the family as they wait, apprehensive and anxious about what today may bring. 

This has been a very long process and the family is tired, and emotionally drained. 

As I think back over the last year, the greatest thing that comes to mind  is how wonderfully positive Tiffany has been.  She has had one medical challenge after another, but always smiled at me when I walked in her room. Most times communication has been very limited by her ventilator and my lack of hearing. But, we have become friends! She has blessed me by her very presence. Her smile and gentle hand squeezes have lifted my heart when I didn’t have the words, I needed, to encourage her. 

The time is near, the battle almost over and I pray for mercy. 

“Dear God, 

Deliver this  sweet young friend of mine, into Your Son’s loving arms and let Jesus breathe everlasting life into a brand new set of lungs. I pray that Tiff will be able to breathe deep, sweet breaths and run, jump and play as never before! 

Father, bless her family with the peace that passes understanding as they begin a new life journey without her. Help them to have sweet, sweet memories as they grieve her passing. And most of all, thank you for blessing my life with her friendship!

In Jesus name,       Amen”

Prayer Warriors,

Please storm the heavens on behalf of Tiffany and her family!

Blessings and grace,


Our Info

Phone: 432-557-3029

Email: lonnie@springcreekministries.org