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Glenda Roberts 12 3 20

I received a text shortly after 4 pm yesterday. A long time friend and very special lady made her final journey home. Glenda Roberts had been fighting Covid and pneumonia for a while. 

Glenda was a dedicated Christian lady that always encouraged me. She loved her family and was so proud of them. 

After Glenda’s children moved from Odessa I had the opportunity to take her to the doctor and hospital when she needed help. One particular time, while she was waiting for a procedure, I sat in the hospital holding area with her. We had a wonderful heart to heart conversation and she shared the ups and downs of her life. She was always very appreciative of anything we did to help her. 
She was a classy dresser and had a smile that completed the package! As beautiful as she was, her inner beauty outweighed the rest by a long shot! 
I am truly heartbroken that I wasn’t able to see her toward the end. I would have loved to hold her hands and pray just one last time! 
I loved her dearly and will miss my friend and sister in Christ! 
Rest in the arms of Jesus, Glenda! We will see you soon! 