Another summer has flown by! Personally, I am ready for some cooler weather and the change into autumn. Social media sites are buzzing with the thrill of school. Those updates are fun to follow. But one of the greatest joys in social media is the opportunity to pray for others.

Lindsey and David Iten are Youth Ministry friends of ours from days when we were in youth ministry. Lindsey has been recently diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer. It is rare and aggressive. Lindsey requested prayers on Facebook and allowed us to add her to the Spring Creek Ministry prayer list. She, David, and their little boy, Colton, are precious people who covet our prayers. They live in Moore, Oklahoma and are near excellent health care. She began chemo a couple of weeks ago.

A teenage boy from Odessa, Jayden Dennis was in a farming accident and severed his hand 80% of the way. He was airlifted to Lubbock and had immediate surgery to restore his hand. It appeared that he was on the road to recovery but things took a turn for the worse. Jayden made the decision to have the hand amputated.  There will be more surgeries, fitting for prosthesis and lots of physical therapy. He and his family are grateful for the prayers and ask that we keep them coming.

Please keep Jennifer Wright and her family in your prayers. She lost her father, very unexpectedly, a few weeks ago. Please pray for healing for the Charles Williams family!

Another update from Joanne Boyce about her mother, Maryann Brochetti: My mom starts the three drug chemo tomorrow. She’s quite weak as she can’t eat much, so great concern for what this poison will do to her body. Please keep her in your prayers!”

Last Monday I had the privilege of visiting with Betty Lilly for a short time. Betty is in hospice care at Medical Center Hospital in Odessa. Please remember her and the family as they navigate through this difficult time.

I haven’t posted an update on Lauren Martin in a while. She posted this, a few days ago, on Facebook and gave me permission to copy it here:

(Lauren) “Please say a little prayer for me if you have a chance. I’m having worst pain today than I’ve had since before my surgery last summer I don’t know what caused it. I was at the Rheumatologist and while I was sitting in that hard chair for 3 hours, something just suddenly felt like it pinched and started killing me!! I also got officially diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis today and they want me to start taking TNF inhibitors, which are very strong drugs that wipe out your immune system and can make you very susceptible to infections and viruses and such. I’m glad to have a diagnosis but I could definitely use the prayers as I go through the trial period of these shots. Anyway, I’m praying my leg pain is temporary and subsides soon!! Thanks for your prayers!! And God bless you all”

Kynadi Lee has been fitted for a special walker. She has been so excited that they can hardly get her to do anything else. The walker has allowed her a newfound freedom and has given, much needed, relief to her mom, Courtney. Praise God for this improvement!

As school continues and the excitement of new beginnings, new faces, and new adventures fills the air, we hope you join us in prayer for those who are facing a new “normal”. The diagnosis of a dreaded disease, the loss of a parent who always took care of the school stuff, the child that is gone and leaves an empty place at the table are situations that most of us won’t be dealing with.

Blessings and Grace,

Lonnie & Donna Hamil