Meet Ryan Gautreaux

by Sep 4, 2017Uncategorized0 comments

Ryan G

Ryan’s mother, Jamie, is reaching out for help. I asked her to share Ryan’s story with us.

“He was diagnosed at 17 months old with Tuberous Sclerosis a non-curable disease that affects the organs causing benign tumors throughout the organs. Ryan has the tumors on his brain kidneys and skin which cause him to have seizures, ADHD, Autism, and learning disabilities. He is now 19 and his seizure meds are causing him to have bone marrow deficiency and he is also very underweight he is about 6’2″ tall and weighs 100#. He loves football especially the Detroit Lions.”

Here is a post from his Go Fund Me page 11 months ago:  So the past few months have been up and down. In May Ryan was in the hospital because of weight loss and his platelets dropping. So now he is seeing a Blood Disorder and Cancer Doctor and will start seeing a G I doctor tomorrow September 1,2016. Also on September 18th we leave for Houston to see Dr. Keonig and Dr. Lathrop for follow up visit and then also MRI for Study/Research with Dr. Lathrop. While all this is going on the issue as come up with his white blood cells and red blood cells not being normal, so his Oncologist is contemplating a bone marrow test. So any any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jamie and Ryan are safe in San Antonio but lost everything in Port Aransas during Hurricane Harvey.

Please be praying for this family as they deal with multiple very challenging situations at the same time!

Thank you,


PS If you would like the Go Fund Me info please send me a private message at