Spring Creek Ministries is moving forward to become a non-profit organization. We have begun the paperwork process and it is not simple! We have input from various professionals who are familiar with different aspects of getting a 501c3. We are grateful for their help as we wade into this necessary process. It will take some time and we will keep you updated in our newsletter.
Of late, we were able to visit with Kynadi and Kaitlyn Lee and their older brother, Parker. The girls are doing well. Parker is a terrific big brother to the girls. He is quite a shot with a bow and arrow. He gave Lonnie a run for his money when they did some target shooting! Parker is going into the 2nd grade. Kynadi and Kaitlyn are losing teeth and gaining vocabulary. Kynadi sang her rendition of “Let It Go” from the Disney movie “Frozen”. She sings on pitch and sang many of the words. She even has a vibrato in her sweet little voice. There have been many prayers on behalf of this family. Keep up the prayers!!
Jessica Combs’ battle here on earth ended around 4:00 AM on June 24th. Cody said it was peaceful. Jessica was one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met. She always had a smile on her face and a kind word for me.
Jesus said, in John 14,
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
Jess’ room was ready and now she can be with the Father for eternity!
Thank you for all the prayer support and we ask that you continue to pray for Cody and the family!
Loy Mitchell, long time missionary, preacher, husband, dad and friend, passed away on June 9th. We lost a faithful servant here on earth but Heaven gained another true disciple! His life will continue to touch others for eternity! We will miss you, Loy!
New opportunity:
We met a man, Bob Mize, at a church we visited some weeks ago. He went home and looked up our ministry website and then called to request a meeting. Bob is a retired minister who continues to reach out to those who are hurting. He came to us with an idea that we are considering. He wants to set up a meeting with several churches in the surrounding area as well as Lubbock. Many smaller churches and some of the larger ones are either understaffed or just extremely busy. That being said, most of them have members that would love to reach out to those who are hurting but they don’t know where to start. Along with our regular duties, in the ministry, we would become the hub for information and assignments. We would have a list of those willing to help and when we were too busy to respond immediately we would make a call and ask someone to assist. Bob has offered to help in the organization of this project. The benefits we see, so far, are we would grow our work force exponentially and each church would pay dues (based on size and ability) to the ministry for the service. We would also be able to offer training to those that were willing.
We would greatly appreciate your prayers and comments as we consider this program.
I had the opportunity to preach last Father’s Day at 6th & Jackson Church of Christ. It was great to see old friends and the smiles that are always offered when I’m there. Speaking of preaching – I would love to speak at any church or organization to share our ministry. Not only does it give us an opportunity to get our name out, it also gives me an opportunity to make more people aware of those who can become forgotten in a real time of need.
We love and appreciate each of you for your prayers, words of encouragement and support!
Blessings & Grace,