Winter has definitely made its presence known this year!  December brought cold and ice.  Schools cancelled classes and churches cancelled services in Odessa, as well as much of the state of Texas!!  We hope you stayed safe and had a truly wonderful Christmas.


 During December, we were privileged to go to a Christmas program at Bynum Elementary.  That is where Kaitlyn and Kynadi Lee attend.  They participated in singing with the entire school as they were wheeled around in strollers.  We continue to be inspired by the progress these girls have made in their short lives and rejoice with their family as they saw Kaitlyn and Kynadi dressed as angels, singing the Christmas songs.  What a blessing!


In December we saw the passing of Floyd Allen, a long-time member of Washington Ave. Church of Christ in Odessa. I met Floyd’s wife, Inez through the Wednesday Ladies Bible class at 6th & Jackson.  Lonnie and I met Floyd during one of his hospital stays.  Inez is a lovely Christian lady and I am so glad to have the chance to know her.

January 9th our friend and brother in Christ, Benny Keck, passed away.  He and his wife Claudette attend Fairmont Church of Christ in Midland. Benny’s memorial was aptly proclaimed “Benny Keck: the Musical!”  What magnificent singing and time of sharing stories!!  Benny helped me find my place at 6th & Jackson Church of Christ by inviting Lonnie and me to sing with the wedding chorus or “The Benny Keck Singers”.  I’m certain the music he is enjoying now is past my imagination.

Doug Smith, an old business acquaintance of Lonnie’s, had gone through chemo treatments and one bout of cancer earlier. After a time of remission the cancer has returned. In the midst of this round of chemo Doug experienced a massive heart attack in early January. After the family had been told there was no hope of recovery, Doug’s brain activity started picking up. Amazingly and with all glory to God – Doug was out of critical care very quickly and then last Friday he was able to go home! When Lonnie spoke to him, Wednesday, he was already back to work!

One of the aspects of Spring Creek Ministries is to help churches keep connected with the shut-ins and those with long-term illness within their own membership.  If your congregation would like hear about how we help reconnect members, we would love to teach more people how to reach out.  Please contact Lonnie (432-557-3029) or me (432-631-7933)

As supporters of this ministry, we greatly appreciate the prayers, encouragement, and financial gifts with which you bless those who are in need.  We thank God for you!



Grace and Peace,


Donna Hamil



Please remember the following in your prayers:


Those listed in the above report.


 The family of Roger Luckenbach, in his passing.


 Pam Christopherson – diagnosed with pancreatic cancer (stage 4) is responding well to treatment.


 Eddie Foster is back at Medical Center Hospital with an undiagnosed infection.


Dena Baggett will be going to MD Anderson very soon


Lynn Payne – continues to battle COPD but seems to be doing better.


Roy Hart continues to deal with Alzheimer’s. He has recently been moved from his home to Orchard Park Assisted Living. Pray for Roy and Merita who are having difficulty adjusting.


Carl Denton is at Medical Center Hospital with a severe stomach bug.


Mark Koehn was recently released from Medical Center Hospital – but is still having challenges with bronchitis.


Roger Sellers had an angiogram last week – the stents seem to be working but they are having to adjust medications


Winona Armstrong had been put in Hospice care and is struggling with Alzheimer’s.

Kris Tryon and family in the passing of his father (Lubbock).