Update on Kylie:
Kylie is 7 months old!
214 days in ICU
For the first few months of Kylie’s life she was on fentanyl and for the past five months she has been on morphine.
She has experienced terrible withdrawals throughout her life and it is so hard to watch your child go through that. There were times when I thought the withdrawals were the worst part of this whole experience and they felt like they would never end.
We are still weening one sedation medication.
I am so proud of Kylie
(She is having some withdrawals which is why she looks so red.)
Kylie is still having some issues with her heart. Her heart rate has been a concern for a long time. She will randomly spike to the 200s and we can’t figure out why. They placed her on a Holter monitor and were not happy about the results.
We decided to put her on a medication to help her heart rate and they will redo the Holter test before she goes home.
Now for the disappointing news… Kylie was supposed to get discharged tomorrow. However, we are still waiting on insurance to deliver her trach equipment.
Her dad and I cannot do our rooming in tests until we have that equipment.
So the discharge date has been pushed back until the 18th.
Please pray that insurance comes through quickly. I am so anxious to take Kylie outside the hospital for the first time in her life
On my previous post I mentioned a lonely little girl, Kylie’s neighbor in the hospital, who we brought some toys to because she did not have any. There were a lot of very kind people interested in sending a gift for that little girl. Because of HIPPA I am not able to get a lot of information. The only information the nurse could share was that she is about 2-3 years old, delayed and likes rattles. I added a few toys on Kylie’s wishlist (found below) that I think the little girl may enjoy. If anyone would like to help her then I promise to deliver the items up until we are discharged.
Y’all are some of the most generous people and I am so honored to have you all in my life. God bless you
Any mail for Kylie can be sent to:
Ashley Overfield
2429 Bissonnet ST
Box 117
Houston, TX 77005
Kylie’s wishlist:
Kylie’s sibling’s wishlist:
Venmo: @Ashley-HaasOverfield