Hope all of you are having a wonderful summer! Things have been crazy at Spring Creek Ministries in June. The first half of the month was spent ministering to those who have lost loved ones recently and making visits to the hospital.

Jacob and I finally broke down and locked ourselves in the office, for a couple of days, to get much needed paper work done. We also made a funding raising trip for Jacob. That went well but he is still in need of 750.00 a month to reach his goal. Jake has been a huge blessing this Summer. He has ran errands, made in-home visits, visits to hospice house & the hospital, organized my office and done just about everything I have requested. I know I am going to miss him when he returns to Lubbock Christian. It has been a very trying job but a great growing experience for him. I heard him tell someone today that six of the people he had worked have passed away just in the short time he has been here. I did not realize that there had been so many. He also took care of the ministry while Donna & I were away on our anniversary trip. Thank you, Jacob!

Our visits are continuing to grow exponentially as more folks reach out to others. A special thanks to all who are helping!

Our supporters have been such a blessing. Even though I have been too busy to do much in the way of fund raising, it amazes me that God has continued to touch hearts and we have received checks from people we never expected. Some are one time contributions,in the way of memorials, and others have committed to supply monthly support. With some of these I am reminded of the story in Mark 12 of the widow who gave out of poverty. It has been humbling to receive these funds but it has also been a great learning experience for me. I know I sound like a broken record, but, THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO IS MAKING OUR MINISTRY POSSIBLE!

We have not been able to make much progress on our Hospice training but are diligently trying to work it in with everything else. Hopefully Karen will put up with our schedules for a while longer.


Caleb Burton was born and he and mom, Crystal, are doing well.

James Israel passed away on June 22nd after struggling with a kidney disease

Naoma Bankhead passed away on the 24th of June

Bill Elms continues to have undiagnosed stomach problems along with unstable blood pressure

Carol Hill has ongoing heart problems

Martha Farris continues to deal with horrible leg pain that is undiagnosed

Lane Barton is still in ICU recovering from a stomach  aneurism – he is doing much better but they are trying to get him off the ventilator

Jane Seward has been diagnosed with colon cancer – but is now home recovering from surgery

Marco Lomeli was able to go to Disney World on a Make-a-Wish Trip but has another surgery scheduled soon

Kaitlyn Guiterrez, 14 years old, will be having another surgery for brain cancer

Troy Lovell continues to recover from heart surgery

Tommy Kennedy has been diagnosed with advanced acute Luekemia

 Bentley Hawley continues cancer treatment
 Family Matters:

Did I mention that I have a grandson! Oh! He is the most beautiful little guy in the world. His parents and sister are also doing well. Jonathan Dean continues to grow and is getting more precious by the day. Reed & Julie have moved to San Angelo where she got a music teaching job. Please pray for Reed as he looks for a full time job there. Donna is enjoying the summer and Jacob is continuing to work with me. Donna & I took our 30th anniversary trip in June. We went on an Alaskan Cruise and it was awesome. I didn’t realize how badly I needed to get away and spend some one on one time with Donna. I also was able to get rested up and recharged. We did have the blessing of meeting Ron & Nell Baar. They have a a 22 year old daughter that they adopted from Albania when she was only 9 years old. Her name is Milaina and she is a special needs young lady. Nell has written a book about their journey from the beginning of their search for a child through 2006. I bought a copy and read it in a day – it was awesome! You are welcome to borrow my copy or I can order copies for 12.00 plus shipping. Speaking of our Alaska trip – I would like to thank Steve & Katy Esquivel who, as part of our sponsorship, provide non-revenue passenger tickets on Southwest Airlines. Steve worked very hard to make our trip to Seattle and back as smooth as possible. He also provides tickets so I can fly to various places to check on folks that are away from home receiving medical treatment. What an amazing blessing this is. Thanks, Steve & Katy!

I hope that each of you have a blessed month and thanks again for being part of Spring Creek Ministries!

Blessings & Grace,

Lonnie Hamil