12/1 update on Henry from his dad:
“Good morning all. Well today is a new drug day. They’ll be adding two drugs, Thiotepa and ATG. Both work to kill the bone marrow. Side effects can include nausea and vomiting for both. The Thiotepa is excreted through the skin so he’ll have to bathe every 6 hours to prevent skin burns. Thankfully he’s only getting two doses. The ATG can cause skin rashes, fevers, blood and respiratory changes. And he’ll get 4 days of of it. Tomorrow they will administer Melohalan, which he had with the first transplant. It’s the nastiest of the drugs he’s getting and can cause VOD venous occlusive disease, which is something we’re hoping to avoid this time. He’s been eating fairly well to this point and hopefully he will continue to do so. I’m heading home soon as Lorien gets here and hope to y’all tomorrow. Please pray for no negative side effects and that his spirits stay high. He’s a little worried but is hanging in there.”
Prayer Warriors,
As you guys know, Henry has dealt with a lot of pain and nausea! Please join me in asking the Father for a reprieve from those symptoms this time! Let’s not forget his family, who are on this journey with him!