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Jasper 1 19 21

From Jasper’s father:

“We want to express our heartfelt thanks to everyone as we continue this journey with Jasper. God has been so gracious to us over the last couple of weeks. Thank you for being a part of His Grace as you have prayed and asked about us.

Jasper is currently in the middle of the second full round of chemo. We have been home since December 30th and blessed with rest and even some fun. He feels pretty good since it has been two weeks from the last treatment. He even felt well enough to get in a little mini bike riding yesterday and today. 
This next week we go back for more scans. He will start more chemo on Wednesday with another dose the following week as well. Depending on how those treatments are received they are planning surgery to remove the tumor and any effected tissues. 
Tumor is outlined in red. Good news, dr expects that he CAN save the arm. He will have to remove all of the section of bone covered with tumor (that will be replaced with titanium) and quite a bit of muscle so he will not have full abilities like he did (probably won’t be able to throw a foot ball, etc) but it will really just depend on what dr has to take out as to what Jasper can do later. 
This is expected but still a lot to take in and process. We are looking forward to having the tumor excised and are grateful for the giftedness of the many healthcare professionals who are a part of Jasper’s treatments.
Our pray needs remain great and we thank you in advance for going to The King on our behalf:
1. Please pray that we see the many reasons we have to be thankful. It’s easy to get our eyes jaded as we walk in hard places.
2. Please pray that the next chemos do their job well and the tumor continues to shrink. 
3. Please pray for Jasper as he processes the thoughts of surgery and abilities after.
4. Please pray that God will show the surgeon exactly what to cut out. No more, no less. 
5. Please pray for rest for all of us as we continue to minister to each other and the lost and broken world that God has put us. 
We are ever so thankful for your on going care for us. 
We are not walking in fear but faith. Trust the King. He is Good. Jesus is King”