This is from David, Jane’s son:
“Mom fell and had to go to the ER at ORMC, where they discovered she has a broken hip. They moved her into a room last night (401), and since she’s high risk, the surgeon will be consulting her regular doctor and cardiologist. If possible, surgery will take place Monday or Tuesday. She was taking Eliquis, a blood thinner, and they need a couple of days for that to leave her system.God often takes us down different paths than we imagine, but we are praying that He will lead her down the right roads and good decisions will be made. Please pray for Mom and Dad both, as Dad is still undergoing cancer treatment. Tough times when you can’t even visit someone you love, but we know God is there with her, so she’s never alone.We all appreciate our wonderful church family and all the love you show.David”
Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. Jane and Joe are such sweet people. Praying God’mercy on both of them. Love Jeff and Celia Bowen
David our prayers are with you guys during these trying times as if we don’t already have enough on our plates. WE may be overwhelmed but GOD is always in control.