One of the things we continue to try to encourage others to do is maintain contact with and prayers for those who have lost loved ones because after a short time, most of us don’t remember to think about it.
Here is a list of people who passed away this year and to keep their families in your prayers:

Passed away 2014:
Tom Reed
Carolyn Stockton
David Lee Watkins
Gloria Pittman
Tim Carstensen
Mr. Stockstill
Wayne Darville
Javier Payen
Benny keck
Helen Hadley
John Hadley
Melanie Sanderson
Marie Fowler
Nadine Meacham
Lynn Payne
Pat Barney


Dear Friends and Supporters of Spring Creek Ministries,

In the last four years, Spring Creek Ministries has been based in Odessa, Texas. We have been blessed to serve all over the state. In doing so, we have found that a good deal of our effort has been in Lubbock. Situations and events, many times, lead people in West Texas to Lubbock’s hospitals for critical care.

For quite some time, Lonnie and I have discussed and prayed about moving to Lubbock. After Christmas, we felt in our hearts it was really what we need to do. It also allows me to be closer to my aging parents, children and grandchildren. This is not a decision we made lightly.

We contacted Bill Anderson, a realtor and supporter of the ministry. He felt he knew a buyer for our house. Twenty-four hours later, only eight hours after his sign went in our yard, our house sold! To say the least we were stunned! Talk about “Here’s your sign!”

As we prepare to make this move, we ask for your prayers and continued support. We depend on you, as we have from the beginning, to contact us when someone is in Lubbock and needs a friendly face at the hospital. We are here to serve.

Our work in the Permian Basin is not over. We will still be coming to the area and reaching out to those in need.

Sixth and Jackson Church of Christ has been such a blessing to us. They are allowing us to continue to use their non-profit status until other arrangements are made. We are extremely indebted to our brothers and sisters at that congregation. They believed in what we do from the start. They greeted us with open arms and encouraged us in every way. Well, except on the issue of moving and on that they have been loving and understanding. Jackie Cason told me they hadn’t voted on if we could leave. Thank you, Jackie, We love you all, too!

We will post a new address and other information as soon as we find a place to live. You are always in our prayers and hearts. We are deeply appreciative of your cards, kind words and prayers.


Blessings and Grace,

Donna Hamil

Included this month is a letter we received from Patti Musselman. She and her husband, Mark, have supported Spring Creek Ministries for over two years. She asked that we publish this letter in our report.


My name is Patti Musselman and my husband Mark and I are two of the sponsors of Lonnie and Donna Hamil and the Lord’s ministry Spring Creek.

Recently, Lonnie and Donna came to us with the news that they are moving their residence from Odessa to Lubbock, in order to for Donna to be able to take care of her aging parents as well as continue to help Lonnie in Spring Creek Ministries.  They asked us how we felt about the move.   Having the opportunity to take care of my own mom for the last 24 years in the same house as my husband and I live, we completely understand the move.   We also know that because of Lonnie and Donna’s dedication to the Spring Creek Ministries, this move will in no way diminish the quality of care they will continue to give the people of Odessa and the surrounding area, but will also make it easier to get to the different hospitals where they will be serving people.  

My mother is currently on Hospice in Crowley, Texas, a suburb of Fort Worth.   Lonnie and Donna have made several trips down here to help us out and to minister to her.  I do not know how they have enough hours in the day to do everything they get done.   Any thing they can do to free up more hours to help others, I believe they will do, as I believe this move will do.   

When they asked us for advice on moving, we said “yes!!!!!”   I am not sure how Lonnie and Donna will feel about me writing this letter to his current supporters, but it is something I feel compelled to do.   Spring Creek is an awesome ministry for God and His Kingdom.   Just last week Lonnie asked all the visitors at my house to leave the room so that he could visit with my Mom in private.   After he spoke to her privately he motioned to Donna and they sang “How Great Thou Art” to her.   All of the visitors, several whom do not currently attend any church anywhere, were crying.   It was a beautiful act of serving and it touched not only my Mom, but each and every visitor in my house.  I am pleading you to carefully, prayerfully consider your continuing support of Spring Creek Ministries.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

In Him,

Patti Musselman