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They are discharging Kylie in TWO WEEKS!! 🩷

As long as Kylie is off her sedation medication then they plan on discharging her in two weeks!
I can’t even picture it in my head. It feels like a dream. We have waited for that day for SO long!! 🩷🥹

I am so nervous and excited about discharge! We are still trying to figure out housing. We are on the waitlist for a few places and will be making more calls today. Thank you all so much for your help and recommendations 🩷

Kylie’s white blood cell count is still high but she is being treated with antibiotics for the infection. They believe this is the same infection that Kylie has had repeatedly. It is most likely colonized to her trach and once we remove that it should go away for good.

Kylie now has a HME trach. It is a small humidifier for her airways. She will have that for another day or so then we will put a cap on her trach. 🩷

Her procedure had to be rescheduled for next week. As soon as they do the procedure and make sure her airways are not swollen then they will take the trach out!!!🩷

The next two weeks are filled with training and lots of information for discharge!! I am so excited to share this with y’all. We can learn it all together! 🩷

Please continue to pray that Kylie shows no signs of rejection and that her infection goes away 🙏🏼