This post has the 3 texts we’ve received so far! Please be praying for this sweet family!
Update on Raul Solis, from his wife, Kim:
I talked to the surgeon a couple hours ago and everything went well and according to what they expected. They took out part of the pancreas, the spleen, the left adrenal gland, the left kidney and part of the stomach. They didn’t have to take out any of the colon, which is really good.
#2 It has been a long day. Barry and Denise were with us from about 10am until 4pm and we are so grateful for that. Some other brothers also came by to be with us during the day.
We just got called to follow him to his room and now we’re in a waiting room on the thirdfloor while they get him settled in his room. Then we’ll go in. But he was awake and talking. Looks much better than I expected. So we’re encouraged and excited to be with him.
#3 We’re with Raul in his room. He is sitting up in a recliner. Maybe even will get up to walk later. He’s weak. Some pain. A lot of discomfort. Didn’t sleep much with the nurses checking in on him all night long. Can’t eat or drink yet…
I think the full force of everything is hitting him today and he’s pretty overwhelmed. Prayers for strength and peace needed.