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Jasper OBriant 11 19 20
“Good morning our dear and faithful friends,
If your wondering why I don’t write very often it’s because I try not to update too much when there aren’t many changes.
The prayer requests are often the same and that is our biggest need. We enjoy the replies. To know you are thinking about us is wonderful but we need prayer lifted up to the throne of Christ our King.
Jasper has been out of the hospital since Sunday evening. We’ve had to go back daily for lab tests to make sure the chemo drug levels are receding. The biggest challenge there is Jasper needs to drink a ton of water  in order for that to happen. It’s been a struggle for him but it was a blessing for us all to be together in the apartment in Lubbock. 
Today, if levels are met, he will start his last treatment before surgery. This is an amazing milestone but as change happens hearts get apprehensive once again. 
We do have plenty to be thankful for that I want to share with those who don’t already know.
Last Wednesday, before Chemo, Jasper had a PET scan done.
Dr. O’Souji said the PET scan was negative. That’s a good thing! It means that there are no more visible tumors, no active cancer cells anywhere else in the body and even the tumor is not lighting up with cancer cells. To be cautious, even the PET scan cannot see all the way into the tumor. But that is still a good thing because it means that chemotherapy is working on it, killing it, & has created essentially a thick dead rind on the outside of it. When they remove the tumor and do pathology they will know more about how much of it is dead. Dr. O said in her experience that every time the PET scan has read negative the pathology results have also been what they wanted to see. If pathology shows 90% of the tumor is dead, that is excellent and we are on the right track.
Thank you for loving us and reading this far. Our prayer needs are being met and we ask that you continue to lift us up.
1. As God has been faithful to us please praise Him with us. We are so thankful for good results of the scan but please help us rejoice and remain thankful in all the daily gifts He gives.
2. As chemo starts again today please pray that Jasper and Elizabeth will not grow weary in the hospital. It is a place for healing but it often fills him with dread.  
3. Please pray for Gabriel. He has been such a trooper during this ordeal. He doesn’t complain. He gets his school work done without the oversight he has been used to in the past.
4. Please pray for Jasper’s cousin. She is in the hospital right around the corner from where he was last week. They’ve been able to connect for the first time and we know it’s been a blessing for Jasper. Pray for healing for her.           
Thank you so much. I know this is a book. We love you. We are grateful beyond words for your ongoing prayers for our family. Jesus is King!”